OSC Travel Terms & Conditions
All passengers are reminded that they must comply with the following terms and conditions whilst traveling on a Shrewsbury Town Official Supporters Club coach.
1. No alcoholic drink is permitted on the coach, see Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol, etc.) Act 1985. Anyone who has alcohol in their possession whilst traveling on a coach that is principally being used to take people to or from a match is guilty of an offence. a) Anyone found to have brought alcohol onto the coach will be asked to surrender it to an OSC steward, or the coach driver, to be either disposed of or stored in the coach's hold. Failure to do so may result in the supporter being ejected from the coach & refused travel. Link to the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985; http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1985/57 b) Appearing to be under the influence of alcohol may result in the supporter being ejected from the coach & refused travel.
2. Coaches will depart promptly to and from an away game. We do not want to wait for late passengers. All supporters are asked to arrive on time prior to departure time.
3. Supporters are expected to respect other passengers on the coach by not bringing on board hot food, playing loud music, shouting, or doing anything that is intended to cause a nuisance to others.
4. Juniors aged 17 and under, will NOT be allowed to travel on an OSC coach operated by Owen’s Travelmaster without a responsible adult or guardian.
5. Smoking, including tobacco products & electronic cigarettes is not permitted on any coach. Anyone smoking will be asked to stop and may be ejected from the coach or refused travel if they refuse to comply.
6. OSC and our coach provider Owen’s Travelmaster recommend that no personal items are left on the coach. Both the OSC & Owen’s Travelmaster cannot be held liable for lost or stolen property & it is your responsibility to collect all your belongings at the end of your journey.
7. The OSC coach steward and Owen’s Travelmaster coach driver have the authority to search any bags or belongings to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions. Refusal to be searched may result in your travel being refused.
8. Choosing the location for breaks is the joint responsibility of the OSC steward and Owen’s Travelmaster coach driver.
9. In the interest of safety, passengers must be seated while en route unless using the onboard toilet facility or obtaining something from their baggage. On arrival, passengers should remain seated until the coach comes to a full stop at the drop-off point at the away stadium.
10. The OSC expects the highest standards of behaviour from all traveling supporters. Unacceptable behaviour may result in the supporter being asked to leave the coach and not allowed to travel in the future.
11. The OSC and Owen’s Travelmaster reserve the right to refuse the sale of a travel ticket. Supporters guilty of behaviour that breaches this code of conduct may have a ban imposed upon them.